Rescued this blog from hijacker

I want to apologize to my subscribers (yes, the two of you). I hope you are still subscribed. This blog was hijacked by someone who has evil intent. I had forgotten about his blog until I started receiving emails congratulating me for non-stop posting for a week. I checked it out. I did not bother to read but the headings and photos looked like the content were dirty. Thanfully, I could still login. Deleted the unwanted posts, changed the password, and put security authentication. I guess, it is a reminder to me that I must consistently post here.

My last post was our Christmas greetings this year. In the blink of an eye, it is now Christmas again and the year is about to end. We just want to thank the Lord for His faithfulness to our lives. To all our friends who continue to pray and support us, millions of thanks to you.